Inclusive Leadership micro-credential - Kuala Lumpur 2019

Recipient details

Adam Maudsley

Issuer details

Issuer name
Common Purpose Student Experiences

Badge details

Inclusive Leadership micro-credential - Kuala Lumpur 2019
By participating in the Common Purpose Global Leader Experience in June 2019, you are now the proud owner of this Inclusive Leadership micro-credential. As a result of this programme, you have been able to successfully demonstrate that - Through deepening your understanding of other cultures you are more Empathetic - Through living with ambiguity you are more Open - Through solving complex problems you are more Influential.
Users are awarded this badge when they complete the following requirement:
  • This badge has to be awarded by a user with the following role:
    • Manager

Badge expiry

Date issued
Monday, 12 August 2019, 7:07 AM
This badge was issued for completing:
  • This badge has to be awarded by a user with the following role:
    • Manager